Patient Resources

How do I clean my Dentures/Partials?
Proper care is necessary to keep your dentures/partials free from stains and looking their best:
Remove and rinse dentures/partials after eating:
Run water over your dentures to remove food and other items that be stuck to the denture/partial. You may want to place a towel on the counter or in the sink or put some water in the sink so the dentures won’t break if you drop them.
Handle your dentures/partials carefully
Clean your mouth after removing your dentures
Use a soft bristled toothbrush on natural teeth and gauze or a soft toothbrush to clean your tongue, cheeks and roof of your mouth. Also remove any remaining denture adhesive from your gums.
Brush your dentures/partial at least once daily
Do not use denture cleansers in your mouth.
Dawn dishwashing foam soap works really well to clean the dentures/partials.
Soak dentures/partials overnight
Most types of dentures need to stay moist to keep their shape. Place the dentures/partial in water or a mild denture-soaking solution overnight. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on cleaning and soaking solutions.
Rinse dentures/partials thoroughly before putting them back in your mouth,
especially if using a denture-soaking solution.
Continue your regular dental checkups
Call if you are having a loose fit
- Hot water (this can warp your denture)
- Bleach-containing products
- Whitening tooth pastes
- Abrasive cleaning materials
Foods You Can Eat After Having Dental Surgery:
With a little thought, planning and preparation, patients can have a good experience and a smooth recovery.
One of the easiest ways to make sure the fridge and pantry are stocked with soft foods. Always follow your dentist’s instructions to avoid risk of infection but below are some ideas of foods to eat after extractions, implants and dental surgery, to support a smooth recovery:
27 Soft Foods to eat after oral surgery and dental work:
- Apple Sauce
- Yogurt
- Soups
- Eggs
- Jell-o
- Mushed up fruits such as bananas or Avocados
- Well Cooked vegetables/Mushy Peas
- Mashed Potatoes
- Fish
- Rice
- Well cooked pasta
- Smoothies (avoid seeds), Milk Shake, Jamba Juice (With a Spoon-NO STRAWS)
- Oatmeal
- Popsicles (after a few days no sucking motion)
- Ice Cream
- Pudding
- Beans
- Soup soaked bread
- Tofu
- Cottage Cheese
- Hummus
- Meatloaf
- Tuna or Chicken Salad (no celery)
- Deli meats
A Few DO’s and Don’ts
* DO-Drink lots of water
* If bleeding continues after an hour following surgery, you may try biting on a moist (not hot) black tea bag; to help with blood clotting
* Rinsing mouth out with water during the first 24 hours is OK but rinse gently. After 24 hours, rinsing with;
warm salt water is an option: Make rinse by mixing 1 Tablespoon of salt with one cup of warm water.
Do not try to dislodge any blood clots that are aiding in the healing process.
* DO NOT DRINK from a straw for at least a week - THE SUCKING CAN DISLODGE THE BLOOD THAT IS CLOTTING and can cause dry socket
* DO NOT EAT foods that are spicy as they can irritate the gums
* DO NOT EAT acidic foods as this too can irritate the gums
* STAY AWAY FROM foods with seeds as they can get stuck in the wound area and /or dislodge blood clots
* AVOID caffeine, carbonation, alcohol and hot beverages
* AVOID SMOKING for at least 48-72 hours after tooth removal surgery as this can cause dry socket.